Troldtekt is the Architects’ Darling
A jury of renowned architects has presented the Architects’ Darling 2021 award to Troldtekt in the Cradle-to-Cradle Challenge category. The leading German architecture portal Heinze is behind the award, which was presented to Troldtekt at an award show in Celle.
For a decade, Troldtekt’s business strategy has been inspired by the Cradle to Cradle design concept. Now our strategic approach to sustainability has been honoured with the Architects’ Darling 2021 award.
The architecture portal Heinze is behind the award, and the golden statuette was presented on 9 November in Celle to Troldtekt’s Head of Sustainability & Communications, Tina Snedker Kristensen, by Dr Christine Lemaitre, CEO of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB e.V).
Troldtekt received the award in the Cradle-to-Cradle Challenge (sustainability) category, which is one of the special Architects’ Darling Jury Awards. A jury consisting of German top architects selected the winner.

Spearheading the green transition
Troldtekt is a Cradle to Cradle design concept pioneer in construction. The vision behind Cradle to Cradle is a world where manufacturers design their products for the circular economy. The circular principles have been part and parcel of Troldtekt’s business strategy since 2011, and Troldtekt’s concrete results have since demonstrated how a materials manufacturer can show the way in the green transition.

“From the outset, the ambition behind our Cradle to Cradle strategy has been to make a documented difference for the environment and people. But it was also intended to grow our business. The circular economy has been a crucial driver of Troldtekt’s growth in recent years, for example in the German market. Having been named the Architects’ Darling is a visible proof that we are very proud of,” says Tina Snedker Kristensen.
The entire range of Troldtekt cement-bonded wood wool products – in both natural and standard colours – have been Crade to Cradle-certified at Silver level and is about to be recertified at the Gold level. Moreover, Troldtekt has invested heavily in the green transformation of its production of acoustic solutions.
> Read more about Troldtekt’s strategic work with Cradle to Cradle
> Read more about Architects’ Darling

FACTS: Examples of Troldtekt’s milestones
In order to meet its Cradle to Cradle goals, Troldtekt has invested massively (tens of millions of euros) in innovative and energy-efficient technology at its factory in Denmark. Some of the milestones are:
- Today, 97.7 per cent of the energy we use in our production comes from renewable sources that do not emit CO2. We get all our electricity from wind power, and the heat used in, for example, the drying process is generated by our own biomass boiler. We have also phased out fossil fuels in our trucks on the factory premises.
- Over the past three years, we have reduced our energy consumption per produced Troldtekt acoustic panel by 28.6 per cent, for example through investments in high-efficiency drying ovens.
- Offcuts from the milling of Troldtekt acoustic panels are used by Aalborg Portland for its production of cement – and thus return to the technical cycle as a raw material in new cement. A pilot project will now establish how the scheme can be scaled up to also include building site and demolition waste.
- From 2020, Troldtekt A/S is certified according to both the leading standards for sustainable forestry: FSC® (FSC®C115450) and PEFC™. All raw wood used for the production of Troldtekt acoustic panels is certified, and customers are free to choose between the two standards when buying Troldtekt.