UIA World Architecture Day – Troldtekt used in award-winning projects
World Architecture Day is celebrated each year in October. In Denmark, the day is also an opportunity to celebrate particularly successful buildings – and several of the award-winning projects in 2022 use Troldtekt.
Many of Denmark’s municipalities mark Architecture Day in October by honouring particularly exciting projects built in the past year. The Danish Association of Architects is the coordinator of Architecture Day in Denmark and organises local events.
In 2022, the theme was ‘sense of place’ – i.e. projects developed and built with a sense of the special identity, qualities and challenges relating to a place.
Troldtekt is an element in several of the projects being honoured, including:

Horsens Gymnasium & HF
Architects: C.F. Møller Architects
Prize awarded: Horsens Municipality’s ‘New Building of the Year 2022’ award
Troldtekt solution: Troldtekt acoustic panels
Photo: Martin Schubert
About the project: The original school building from 1940 has been expanded by over 8,000 square metres, architecturally in tune with the original building style. With the extra space, the structure of the school is now divided into academic clusters. Troldtekt acoustic panels were chosen to ensure a pleasant acoustic environment, which is especially important in areas with high ceilings.

Engblommen daycare institution (Snejbjerg, Herning Municipality)
Architects: Skala Architecture
Prize awarded: Herning Municipality’s ‘Readers’ Award 2022’, chosen by Herning Folkeblad newspaper readers
Troldtekt solution: Troldtekt Plus acoustic panels
Photo: skala architecture
About the project: The Engblommen daycare institution has been expanded with an extension for kindergarteners and children in day nursery. The new and existing buildings are linked by an intermediate building, connecting the daycare institution as a whole. Both indoors and outdoors, the building is scaled down with child-sized little niches and rooms. To ensure a healthy indoor climate, Troldtekt acoustic panels have been chosen.

Midtbyens Naturbørnehus (Sønderborg)
Architects: ZENI Architects A/S
Prize awarded: Sønderborg Municipality’s ‘Beautiful new building 2022’ award
Troldtekt solution: Troldtekt acoustic panels
Photo: ZENI Arkitekter
About the project: Midtbyens Naturbørnehus is a newly built institution with capacity for 130 children. At the heart of the facilities is a large communal space with creative and science rooms as well as play areas and little niches. The communal spaces all have double-height ceilings and connect to the lounge areas on both floors. The daycare institution chose natural wood Troldtekt acoustic panels for the ceiling.

Sergenten (Sønderborg)
Architects: ZENI Architects A/S
Prize awarded: Winner of Sønderborg Municipality’s 2022 award in the ‘sense of place’ category
Troldtekt solution: Troldtekt acoustic panels
Photo: ZENI Arkitekter
About the project: The old workshop at the former barracks in Sønderborg has been transformed into event and conference rooms. Several original elements have been preserved to help tell the story of the building, including the bare brick walls both inside and out. New elements have been added, including an inset lounge deck. Black and grey Troldtekt acoustic panels have been chosen to create a pleasant atmosphere for the premises.

Fyrkildevej (Aalborg Øst)
Architects: Architects: BJØRK & MAIGAARD and LINK Arkitektur (consultant)
Prize awarded: City of Aarhus Architecture Prize 2022
Troldtekt: Troldtekt acoustic panels
About the project: Renovation and transformation of the previously deprived residential area in Aalborg East is an example of how variation in architecture and housing forms can help elevate an existing residential area into a vibrant and inclusive district. Troldtekt acoustic panels have been chosen for both the renovated homes and the stairwells.