

Troldtekt in panel discussion at Circular Shift 2020 summit

How do we achieve a circular future? This will be the focal point when the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute presents a series of virtual panel discussions in October. Troldtekt will be on the panel that will be discussing innovative collaborations and resilient supply chains.

Troldtekt design series nominated for prestigious product award

The entire series of Troldtekt® design solutions has been nominated for the DETAIL Product Award 2020. The award is presented by the German architecture magazine DETAIL and the online platform archipinion. In November, it will be possible to vote for your favourite in five different price categories.

Troldtekt GmbH expands and opens Hamburg showroom

There is a huge demand for sustainable solutions that can ensure a healthy indoor climate in a building. This is highly evident at Troldtekt GmbH in Hamburg, which is a subsidiary of the Danish manufacturer of Troldtekt® acoustic panels. Troldtekt GmbH has just inaugurated a new office and showroom in the creative Altona district. The target group is primarily architects.

Troldtekt A/S wins the DI Award for green transformation

A panel of experts chose Troldtekt as the winner of the prestigious DI Award 2020 in a strong field that also included FLSmidth and Berendsen. Troldtekt has received the DI Award for increasing its competitiveness through an ambitious green transformation based on the Cradle to Cradle concept.

Troldtekt’s CSR report among the best

Troldtekt is one of the best SMEs in Denmark to report on its work with sustainability and social responsibility. The company has just been highlighted for its latest CSR report by the trade association FSR – Danish Auditors and Global Compact Network Denmark.

THEME: Building health and indoor climate

Although sustainable building is on the rise, large quantities of the harmful substances in building materials still manage to slip through into new and refurbished buildings. In a new online theme from Troldtekt A/S, experts present their views on material health and indoor climate – and possible solutions to the challenges.

Troldtekt Award 2018 is now open to creative students

Troldtekt invites design and architecture students to participate in the Troldtekt Award 2018. You can win both praise and money. The most original idea for new ways to use our classic Troldtekt acoustic panels is awarded a cash prize of EUR 5,000.

Troldtekt theme: Black is the new black

Architecture with black materials can create a special atmosphere of intimacy and closeness. In a new Troldtekt online theme, you can read how black ceilings and solid materials are becoming increasingly popular in interior design.

COVID-19 update: Troldtekt A/S remains open

At Troldtekt, we continue the production and supply of acoustic panels. We will contact and inform relevant parties immediately if any changes to the supply situation should occur.

Troldtekt competing for materialPREIS 2020

The design series from Troldtekt A/S is a candidate to win the renowned materialPREIS, which celebrates the best materials. You can vote for your favourite entry now in an online poll.