

Choose between PEFC™ and FSC®-certified Troldtekt®

All Troldtekt acoustic panels are now certified according to one of the two leading standards for responsible forestry. All the wood we use is PEFC-certified, and much of it is also FSC-certified. It is therefore possible to choose between the two standards when buying Troldtekt.

New design series among Danish Design Award finalists

The entire series of new Troldtekt® design solutions is among the finalists for Denmark’s national design award this year.

Meet Troldtekt at SCHULBAU in Stuttgart

The SCHULBAU international forum and trade fair on 19-20 February in Stuttgart focuses on sustainable construction of the schools and educational buildings of the future. Experience Troldtekt at stand 34 - and take part in ‘Experten Lab’ where we share knowledge about healthy materials for the construction industry.

Troldtekt in panel debate at international Cradle to Cradle congress

During the debate at the Cradle to Cradle congress in Berlin, Troldtekt will share experiences of switching from product certification to using the international Cradle to Cradle standard as a framework for the company strategy.

Sustainability award for DGNB platinum-certified office building

The new Alnatura Arbeitswelt office building featuring Troldtekt acoustic ceilings has won the German Sustainability Award for architecture.

New design solutions win prestigious international award

Troldtekt® design solutions have been named winner of the German Design Award 2020.

Cradle to Cradle paves the way for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Troldtekt will participate as an introductory speaker when the consultancy Vugge til Vugge Danmark hosts a learning session at the Building Green Copenhagen 2019 event.

Circular economy: Troldtekt shares knowledge in Stockholm

Transforming products for the circular economy will be the focus of the upcoming Design & Innovation Forum in Stockholm, hosted by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute. As part of the programme, Troldtekt will participate in a panel debate.

Troldtekt panels in sustainable Berlin laboratory

Troldtekt acoustic solutions have been incorporated into the world’s first C2C LAB in Berlin, which is a combined training centre, NGO office and ‘living laboratory’ for Cradle to Cradle certified building materials.

Meet Troldtekt at SCHULBAU Berlin 2019

The SCHULBAU exhibition will be held in Berlin on 11-12 September, providing inspiration for the schools and institutions of tomorrow. See our classic acoustic solutions, as well as our award-winning new series of Troldtekt® design solutions.