SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals

The UN stipulates that we must stand together to create better balance in the world. That's why Troldtekt partners with companies, NGOs and other organisations that, like us, want to contribute to the circular economy within the construction industry.
We have established meaningful partnerships in several of our domestic markets – including Denmark, Germany and Sweden.
Common voice for certified forests
In Denmark, Troldtekt works closely with FSC Danmark, where we have worked together to increase the amount of FSC® certified forest through various activities.
As a direct result of this joint ‘call to action’ from FSC Denmark and Troldtekt, the Municipality of Ringkøbing-Skjern decided to FSC-certify all its municipal forests. Troldtekt produces all of its acoustic panels in the municipality, and we now have even better opportunities to source our raw wood locally.

Cooperating on production waste
Our cooperation with Aalborg Portland is another example of a partnership within recycling. Together we are working to ensure that production waste from Troldtekt cement-bonded wood wool can create value in the production of cement.
Aalborg Portland receives dust from Troldtekt’s edging workshop that can be used in cement production. The wood content of Troldtekt sawdust contributes to the combustion process and replaces fossil fuels (energy), while the cement content becomes raw material (filler) in new cement.
Troldtekt supports organisations within sustainability
In addition to the aforementioned partnerships, Troldtekt is a member of the leading organisations working to increase sustainability in construction in Denmark, Sweden and Germany:
- In Germany, the organisation is called DGNB – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen. Launched in 2008, DGNB certification addresses sustainability on a social, economic and environmental level – during the construction process and in the finished building.
- In Denmark, we are a member of the independent Rådet for Bæredygtigt Byggeri (Council for Sustainable Building). The council has chosen to follow DGNB, which is therefore the most widely used sustainable certification in the Danish construction industry. Troldtekt also has a seat on the council's Technical Committee for Materials Content and Climate Impact. Troldtekt's sustainability specialist, Pernille Brændstrup Kjær, has also been appointed convenor (leader) of a working group that will focus on digital material and building passports. The group is part of EU committee CEN/TC 350/SC1, which promotes the circular economy in the construction sector.
- The Sweden Green Building Council administers and supports a number of the most widely used certification schemes within Sweden's construction industry. Two of them are Miljöbyggnad and BREEAM-SE.

Joining forces for Cradle to Cradle
In Germany, we cooperate with the German Cradle to Cradle NGO, which works to promote the circular economy and the Cradle to Cradle design concept in Germany.
Cradle to Cradle NGO has a circle of partner companies, of which Troldtekt has been an active member since 2018. As a partner, we provide financial support for the NGO’s efforts to promote Cradle to Cradle, and we also attend presentations and events where we share our experiences with the circular economy.
There is also a strong movement in Sweden to promote the circular economy, and Troldtekt is a member of several bodies, including Cradlenet. This NGO offers inspiration and knowledge sharing between companies, organisations and people.