Troldtekt® tiles

Troldtekt tiles results in a design with a pattern of rectangles which can vary in size. The solution consists of quadratic acoustic panels with milled parallel grooves in the surface.
The panels are available in five variants, which can be freely combined. Panels can also be rotated 90 degrees, resulting in a broken and more varied look in the surface.
A half groove has been cut on all sides of each panel, so that an extra groove of the same size is formed where two panels join.

Good acoustics
Good acoustics are important for well-being. Learn about the factors that impact room acoustics, what the acoustics concepts mean and why they are important.

Documented sustainability initiatives
Throughout the product cycle, Troldtekt places emphasis not only on minimizing the environmental impact, but on optimizing resource consumption and processes.

Effective fire performance
The fire characteristics of interior ceiling and wall cladding have a major impact on how a fire develops.

Robust and durable
Troldtekt wood wool acoustic panels are suitable for use in wet rooms and sports halls. The panels can absorb and release moisture and are ball impact tested.

Easy installation
There are a number of simple methods for installing Troldtekt on wood battens or in profiles. The panels are easy to maintain, which ensures a long service life.

Healthy indoor climate
Most people spend most of their lives indoors, and much of this time is spent at work. It is therefore vital that the buildings we are in have a good indoor climate which does not cause irritations or affect our health or ability to work.