Closeness and openness in Farum
The children in Farum Nordby north of Copenhagen have a new daycare centre with a safe and friendly indoor environment, yet an open outlook to the world outside.

In a simple and flexible design, the daycare centre consists of three large trapezoidal buildings with gently sloping roofs that extend out into the landscape in different directions like three large rocks. The buildings converge on a central space with an entrance, cloakroom area and kitchen. The architectural idea is clearly perceptible from the outside in the shape of the three black ‘rocks’ and the white ‘rock’ at the centre.
The individual units all feature both a more introverted, withdrawn area and an open and high-ceilinged area, from which you can access the playground. There is room for a total of 80 nursery and kindergarten children as well as 35 school children, who are taken by bus from the daycare to school every morning.
Healthy indoor climate
Farum Nordby Børnehus is situated in close proximity to a lake and woodlands, and the immediate surroundings are clearly mirrored in the choice of warm and tactile materials inside, says architect Nan Bröchner from tnt architects.
The linoleum floor is a warm, pale colour, and the large window niches in the rooms are plywood. The ceilings are clad with Troldtekt acoustic panels in the colour natural wood to ensure superior acoustics, while also adding a golden tone to every room.
Skylights in the smaller rooms provide a comfortable level of natural lighting – nicely complemented by light fittings that are carefully adapted to the rooms, and spots that illuminate the walls with the children’s drawings and creations. It is safe to say that the indoor climate has indeed been of high priority in the daycare centre to ensure that both children and employees experience fresh air, superior acoustics and comfortable, atmospheric lighting.