Well looked after in a modern company daycare centre
The “Little Orbiters” daycare centre of the EUMESAT organisation in Darmstadt (Germany) offers plenty of space for playing, running around, relaxing and wellbeing in spacious, light-flooded rooms.

Anyone who has to combine work and family life needs reliable childcare facilities for their children. EUMESAT has also recognised this. The European organisation for the use of meteorological satellites, founded in 1986, has therefore had a modern, bilingual daycare centre built for the employees’ children on its company premises in Darmstadt.
In the West “Am Kavalleriesand” industrial district, the one-storey new wooden building with flat roof is located directly at the entrance to the company building. Angela Fritsch Architekten BDA designed it as a large L around a generous open space with trees.
Plenty of space for the “Little Orbiters”
On around 1,000 square metres, the “Little Orbiters” company daycare centre currently offers plenty of space for two daycare groups and a nursery group. All-round floor-to-ceiling windows let lots of light into all the ground-level rooms used by the children, almost all of which lead directly to the outdoor play area.
Each group room has an intensive room and its own sanitary area. In addition to the administration and staff rooms, the new building also has a kitchen, a multi-purpose room, a bistro area and a studio. Rooflights also provide plenty of daylight in some parts of the building.
Feel-good atmosphere right under the design ceiling
Inside the building, built according to the current ENEV standard, light, untreated wood on the walls and floors, wide hallways, high ceilings and generously sized rooms create a relaxed feel-good atmosphere. Red pillars in the hallway area, a green kitchen niche and some coloured walls and wooden furniture add visual accents.
In line with the overall design concept, acoustic panels from the Troldtekt® Line Design solution in light natural wood were installed on the ceilings with varying distances between the grooves in the surface. The acoustically effective ceiling panelling improves the room acoustics and emphasises the homely ambience.