Warm and friendly childcare institution
Børnehuset Klepholm in Støvring in northern Jutland, Denmark, is a newly built childcare institution where the architecture promotes an ambience of calm throughout. Both spatially and acoustically!

The childcare institution is divided into two sections – one for 80 children of kindergarten age and one for 40 children aged 0-3 – and with a large communal area in-between with direct access to a covered terrace next to the playground.
The long wooden façades are punctured by different-sized windows positioned to reflect the uses of the rooms behind them. The building is divided into two sections, each with its own unifying, central space distinguished by particularly high ceilings compared to the surrounding rooms.
The raised roof ensures an influx of extra daylight through the windows high up. The green roofs are one example of the sustainable choices made in this project.
Built for play
The desire for sustainable natural materials is also evident inside. The colours are warm and friendly in brown tones and with a high degree of tactility.
Troldtekt acoustic panels were installed on the ceilings with a visible profile system. In the ‘tower rooms’, the ceilings have been raised to accommodate skylights. In these rooms, the ceilings are clad with Troldtekt panels not only on the ceilings, but also down the walls.
Natural variation is created through the use of visually differentiated ceiling types. The more high-ceilinged tower room is designed for many types of activities, featuring built-in cubbyholes and a small playhouse in the middle of the room, and special attention has been given to the acoustics on several fronts.