Nature kindergarten with built-in future
In Tørring, the skies are high and bright and the river Gudenåen winds through the city. On the outskirts of town, the Myretuen nature kindergarten has been housed in an old farm building for a number of years. However, the space had become too cramped, which is why the decision was made to replace the old institution with an updated Myretuen on the same plot. A very good decision that has now been brought into being.

The black wooden facades are welcoming and help give the place a cottage-like feel. Although the building has only one storey, the roof ridge is high, which creates space on the gables for a series of square windows placed at varying heights. The structure is compact and features an array of aesthetic details throughout.
Russian stove in recycled tiles
The common square is the heart of the building and serves as a centre for play and learning. It contains a children's kitchen, a Russian stove and a mini stage. The high-ceilinged room has a transverse skylight that provides the relatively large space with plenty of natural light. At the same time, it can also be used for efficient ventilation.
From the common square there is - via a large window - access to a covered terrace and playground, creating a fluid transition between inside and outside. In this way, nature is invited into the kindergarten. Arkitektfirmaet Frost Larsen has, with its usual thoroughness, designed an appealing and functional framework for both children and adults.
Both ceilings and walls are covered with Troldtekt acoustic panels in the vast majority of the rooms. The grey ceiling is an elegant contrast to the bright interior.
Supervisor Rigmor Jespersen says:
“Our roots were based in an old farm and we wanted to bring some of that cosy atmosphere into the new construction. One of these initiatives includes our Russian stove, which was built out of recycled tiles, and it has a wonderful visual effect as the focal point of the building. As users, we have been involved throughout the entire process, and the architects have understood how to translate our wishes into a homey environment which is also modern in look.”