De Klaproos multi-purpose centre
The approx. 1,850-square-metre centre comprises a 420-square-metre multi-purpose hall, 80 square metres of facilities for the children’s and youth organisation Jong Nederland, a foyer with a kitchen and bar as well as various other rooms.

In designing the building, considerable respect has been shown for its urban context.
It lies on the outskirts of the small town of Siebengewald next to the main road Gochsedijk, which connects the Netherlands and Germany. Thanks to the location of the rectangular building in the line of view and perpendicular to the road, it clearly marks the outer limits of the town.
The sloping lines of the roofs on the main building and the large hall which rises up in the middle of the complex are a reference to the agricultural buildings which dot the local area, and add a rural touch.
The long facade is divided into vertical sections, creating a look that harmonises well with the surrounding single-family houses.