Åpark Campus
Even before client Kollegiekontoret in Aarhus had finished Åpark Kollegiet, the 251 new student flats and facilities were in great demand.

This was not surprising because of its central location, the fact that the university and cafés are close by and everything is easily accessible by bicycle. The Aarhus Canal winds its way through the area and just around the corner is the Botanical Garden park. In other words, the housing association’s newly built student flats offer the very best in central Aarhus.
Even before the building took shape, Per Juulsen, CEO of Kollegiekontoret, had high expectations for Åpark Kollegiet.
“Each flat has a separate kitchen, so we were very keen that communal rooms should also be provided so students would not be isolated. Consequently, each corridor has its own “local” meeting area. In addition, there is a fitness room and a common area of approximately 100 square metres”, says Per Juulsen.
With so many young people gathered in such compact accommodation, Kollegiekontoret wanted to provide the best acoustics by using Troldtekt acoustic panels to provide a pleasant environment in the corridors and common areas.
“The acoustics of the building are very important and were considered from the very beginning because a noisy environment is difficult to correct later. Troldtekt is a thoroughly tested product that has great sound and maintenance benefits and is a product that we have previously used and been very satisfied with. Aesthetically it fits into the building well, as it is neither too “basic” nor too “pretty”, says Per Juulsen.
He adds that the acoustic qualities of Troldtekt were already put to the test before the residents moved in:
“When we had the opening reception in the new common room, we could really feel the superior acoustics – in spite of the hard wooden floors, many people present and lack of furniture.”