Modern vicarage in Nørholm
In the village of Nørholm near Aalborg in northern Jutland, the local vicar now has a new and modern vicarage which blends in well with the rural setting.

It was becoming a challenge keeping the old vicarage up to date and in line with today’s functional and environmental requirements and expectations. The new building is, like its predecessor, an elongated brick structure, with a small wing which houses a living room and with an office on the other side so that from above the vicarage begins to resemble a cross.
The vicarage is beautifully located near the church and with views across the flat countryside along Limfjorden to the north. The vicarage is part of the village’s built-up environment, both in form and materials, but the architect Nils Pagh from Norconsult – with local residents also providing input – has created a building with a distinctive and characterful look using simple means.
The main materials are brick, standing seam steel roofing and wood, to which have been added some striking details where the materials meet, with window frames in a bold red for contrast.
Precise details
One of the building’s particular features is the sculptural and equilateral exterior and interior gables. Inside, Troldtekt line panels installed at 45° to the horizontal create a distinctive and decorative pattern in the large room.
The layout of the vicarage is arranged around the central living room which has a vaulted ceiling and skylights that flood the room with light. From here, one can look out onto the courtyard and to the expansive countryside along Limfjorden.
Troldtekt line has been chosen for all the rooms and ensures superior acoustics, which is important for the health and well-being of any family. Inside, Nils Pagh has also chosen classic colours in the kitchen and on the doors, while most of the walls are plastered white. Wooden window frames, bamboo floors and Troldtekt acoustic panels in the colour natural wood together add warmth and materiality to the house while also being durable and long-lasting solutions.
Nils Pagh explains his thoughts:
“We’ve gone for a simple and unpretentious design to match the scale and qualities of the village, and so that in 50 years the building will still serve as a suitable living environment for a modern family. At the same time, it’s important for us that our architecture is respectful of the times we’re living in and that it comes across as both contemporary and credible.”