From compact 1970s house to open minimalism
Following an extensive rebuild, Pernille Hornbæk Leth and her family now have roomy living areas and space for family parties. A Troldtekt acoustic ceiling with integrated speakers and spotlights ensures superior acoustics and paved the way for a minimalist interior.

The project snowballed when Pernille Hornbæk Leth and her family first started renovating their home in Skanderborg in central Jutland. However, when they purchased the 113-square-metre single-family house they knew that they would need to take down walls and revise the layout.
“Our main priority when we started looking for a house to buy was finding the right area, rather than the property itself. Nothing had been done to the house since it was first built in the 1970s – it had low ceilings and small rooms. We demolished several walls, so that we now have a large, open dining room and sitting area. But it was only once we had started that we decided that it made sense to install underfloor heating while we were at it,” explains Pernille Hornbæk Leth.
Better acoustics for family parties
The family received inspiration for their rebuild from family and friends, including an acquaintance who is a Troldtekt acoustics professional. Pernille Hornbæk Leth was well aware that good acoustics are crucial.
“Our previous home was a terraced house, and a bit of a concrete block with smooth walls, hard laminate flooring and incredibly poor acoustics. Both of us come from large families, and family parties were almost unbearable because there was so much noise. However, we still wanted a minimalist look, and given that the house isn’t large, it’s the ceiling that has to create the good acoustics,” says Pernille Hornbæk Leth.
Ceiling with integrated light and sound
White-painted Troldtekt acoustic ceiling panels help to ensure good sound and comfortable lighting in the newly renovated home. Partly through the good acoustics, and partly because of the built-in spots and speakers.
“Being able to incorporate both lighting and loudspeakers in the Troldtekt ceiling ties in extremely well with our minimalist interior. It provides good lighting and superb sound in all the communal rooms without having any pendants hanging from the ceilings. It also means that we don’t need a bulky hi-fi system that takes up a lot of space, so we have more freedom to arrange the furniture as we wish,” says Pernille Hornbæk Leth.