THEME: Architecture for seniors
As a result of demographic trends, the proportion of elderly people in the population is growing. This calls for more flexible, high-quality architecture, where seniors can live for many years even if their needs change. Discreet design measures can, for example, make it possible to transform a completely ordinary home into an assisted-living facility.
In this theme, you can read about architecture for resourceful seniors as well as those who need more care. You can also visit successful examples of senior housing that are both homely, aesthetic and functional.
Moreover, you can read how Troldtekt acoustic panels can help to create healthy, comfortable and robust homes for seniors – and how good acoustics can become an integral part of characterful design.

Several generations under one roof place high demands on architecture
Strong relationships, economic consciousness and a lower carbon footprint. There are many benefits to incorporating several generations into public buildings. But generational buildings also place great demands on the architecture, interior design and logistics.
Read more in the interview with Magnus Anclair, founder of the Forum Bygga Skola network.

Learning and joy for children and the elderly
Both Sweden and Denmark have realised the importance of bringing several generations together under the same roof – and this places high demands on interior design when architecture has to accommodate both the oldest and youngest members of society. Read more about such experiences.

Why there is a growing need for housing for the elderly
In Denmark, the number of elderly people is set to increase significantly in the coming years – and they will live longer. However, the housing market is not geared to meeting the needs of elderly people. Dive into the facts and read the interview with an expert from Denmark’s largest real estate agency, who gives his take on the biggest challenges.
More articles in the theme about architecture for seniors

New needs among the elderly of the future
The number of elderly people will increase in the coming decades, and they will come with changing expectations and housing dreams. A partnership between the Danish pension fund PFA and OK-Fonden is setting out to meet some of the demand. In the article, the CEO of OK-Fonden talks about how the architecture of the future for the elderly will differ from today’s architecture.

Skovparken Plejecenter: A worthy last home
A safe, secure and homely environment is crucial for the quality of life of elderly people with dementia. Here, textured and warm materials play an especially important role, as does functionality. For example, Troldtekt acoustic panels have been successfully combined with an advanced ceiling profile system.

Why Troldtekt is the obvious acoustic solution in senior housing
Tranquility, character and cosiness. Troldtekt acoustic panels help create healthy and comfortable interiors in housing for seniors. At the same time, it is a robust solution that can be painted at least 15 times without compromising its acoustic properties.

Architecture for people with dementia must accommodate the individual’s life story
Rethinking the familiar is one of the architect's most important tasks in working with future care centres for people with dementia. Here, homeliness and security are important keywords, and using familiar shapes and healthy materials matters when creating new homes and environments that are accomodating of the individual's life situation and life story.