Swimming pools and outdoor baths
Swimming and water exercise are popular activities among all ages and at all skill levels.
We use swimming centres, outdoor baths and harbour pools to exercise, relax and enjoy ourselves with our families. Many facilities are being renovated, or new ones built, with architecture to match the varying purposes and user scenarios.
On this theme page, you can read about architectural challenges and possible solutions when designing swimming pools. The articles also look at the trends which experts expect to dominate swimming facilities in future.
You will also find a number of projects representing the true marriage of function and design. Among other things featuring Troldtekt acoustic solutions that effectively absorb sound and have a natural resistance to moisture while giving builders, architects and contractors flexible design options.

Troldtekt withstands even the most humid rooms

16 trends in swimming centres of the future

Swimming pools are of high social importance

New swimming centres must have wider appeal

A good pool creates the feeling of a summer swim

New outdoor baths must withstand harsh weather

Troldtekt contributes to a good swimming experience