Troldtekt-objects for Revit

Troldtekt’s System Families are categorised according to Troldtekt type (Troldtekt, Troldtekt Plus and Troldtekt A2) – and then according to suspension system. The files contain hatching for the most frequently used broken bonds, and they are also assigned a texture from the Troldtekt materials library, which is also freely available for download.

The materials library with the accompanying texture files can be saved as you wish on your hard drive – both parts are placed in the folder ‘Troldtekt_Textures_Revit’. After download, you must add the path to the texture files via “Options/Rendering” and then ‘Troldtekt library 01-10-2013.adsklib’ via the Material Browser under ‘Open existing library’.

Material library

Troldtekt Textures