

CSR report 2020

Almost 100 per cent renewable energy at Troldtekt’s own factory. A total of 97.7 per cent of the energy used to manufacture Troldtekt acoustic panels now comes from renewable sources. Energy consumption per square metre produced has been reduced by 28.6 per cent in three years. Both figures are in line with the company’s Cradle to Cradle strategy, for which it received the DI Prize 2020.

New EPDs from Troldtekt: Full transparency across products

Consultants and developers can now download new environmental product declarations (EPDs) for Troldtekt’s various cement-bonded wood wool products. The EPDs state the carbon footprint associated with all stages in the life cycle of the acoustic panels. The EPDs have been verified by the German Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU).

THEME: Healing architecture

Light, air, acoustics and spatial organisation. Architectural ideas are being applied in support of treatment, not least in new psychiatric facilities. A new online series of articles from Troldtekt A/S focuses on visions and practices, opportunities and pitfalls within healing architecture.

Troldtekt’s design series wins ‘Die schönsten Restaurants & Bars 2021’ award

The series of Troldtekt® design solutions has been named the best wall design of the year in the ‘buildings and interiors’ category for restaurants and bars. The German publisher Callwey organises the awards together with, among others, the Association of German Interior Architects/Designers and the German Hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA)

Distinguished award for Lindholmens Tekniske Gymnasium

The newly built technical upper secondary school Lindholmens Tekniske Gymnasium has just won the ‘School Building of the Year Award 2021’. Troldtekt acoustic panels on the ceilings and walls ensure a comfortable sound environment at the school.

Breakfast talk: What works for sustainability?

Never before have so many building materials been marketed as being sustainable. Get help navigating the facts, terms and claims when Troldtekt participates in DGNB’s online discussion at the international trade fair for architecture and building materials BAU ONLINE.

Troldtekt wins Danish-German Business Award

A professional jury and an open vote have named Troldtekt the winner of the Danish-German Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Danish Company of the Year’ award. The award honours Troldtekt’s successful entry on the German market, where sales of sustainable acoustic panels are now growing year on year.

New self-drilling screw facilitates installation in profile system

With a new self-drilling structure screw for steel, it has become easier to install Troldtekt acoustic panels on a C60 profile system. The screw is also available in a version suitable for particularly aggressive environments.

Film: Join us for a walk in the forest – and see how certified wood supports biodiversity

The use of wood as a building material helps to promote the green transformation. And when the wood comes from documented sustainable forests, it also supports biodiversity. Troldtekt® acoustic panels contain only wood certified according to the leading forest standards – FSC® and PEFCTM. See more in a new film from the forest and factory.

Architects’ know-how session with focus on materials in the circular economy

Register for the online event ‘Material Matters – the circular economy’, which will be live-streamed on 14 December. Renowned architect Thomas Rau (RAU Architects / Turntoo) and Tina Snedker Kristensen, Head of Communications (Troldtekt), will give the presentations.